Thursday, March 26, 2020
Roper St. Francis Healthcare Launches Donation Center for Critical Supplies
We’ve heard from businesses and groups across the Lowcountry who want to help our healthcare providers, so we’re compiled suggestions for potential donation.
We have a list below of items we’re accepting. If you have the ability to purchase any of the critical supplies listed below, such as personal protective equipment, disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer, we also would welcome your support in obtaining those.
We will accept any quantity, but these items must be sealed and in their original packaging. Donations can be delivered Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 9165 University Blvd., Suite 200. No appointment or pre-approval is needed. If you have questions, please email
While we are currently well-stocked at our hospitals, Roper St. Francis Express Cares, free-standing Emergency Rooms and our drive-thru testing site, we recognize that the continued increase in COVID-19 cases will strain these resources that protect our caregivers and our patients.
The Roper St. Francis Foundation also has launched a COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Fund to use donations where the need is greatest during the pandemic. This many include but is not limited to testing, medication, medical supplies and staff support. As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, needs may increase or change. This fund will allow us to provide assistance as needs continue to be identified. You can donate here.
Thank you so much for your support. We’ll get through this together.
Acceptable Items:
- Scrubs
- Faceshields
- N95 Masks (small)
- N95 Masks (regular)
- Gowns
- Gloves
- Sani Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Bleach Wipes
- Goggles
- Surgical masks/Isolation Masks
- Bouffant caps
Items we are unable to accept:
- 3D printed items including ventilator parts.
- Perishable food
- Blankets
- medication
- Handmade fabric masks